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Lawyers Blog

Criminal Process

6 Dec 2018

If you have been arrested and are facing criminal charges, you are likely wondering what you can expect. The legal process is often so confusing that people don’t know where to turn or what to do. This guide breaks the process down and lets you know what will likely happen in the days and weeks following an arrest.


The police make an arrest when they witness a crime or receive reports of one and collect enough evidence to give them probable cause that a crime took place. In simple terms, probable cause means enough evidence exists that a reasonable person would believe a crime likely took place. After the cops arrest you, they will bring you to the local jail to await your first court date.

First Court Appearance

If you are wondering what will happen at your first court appearance, you are not alone. Many people are curious about how the day will unfold, and this section gives you a basic overview of your first day in court. A guard will contact you in the morning and let you know you have a court appearance, and they either take you to court or let you do a video conference with the judge. The judge reads the charges you are facing and asks you to enter a plea, and you always want to plead not guilty. You will then have the chance to post bail and regain your freedom until the case ends.


You and your lawyer will enter the discovery process after your first court hearing. Discovery is a process in which your lawyer and the prosecutor exchange the evidence they plan to use at your trial. When discovery takes place, the goal is to give each side the opportunity to learn how the case will likely unfold if you opt to fight at trial. The lawyer you hire will look for holes and mistakes in the prosecutor’s case that you can use to safeguard your freedom, future and reputation.

Plea Bargaining

The prosecutor will likely approach and offer you the chance to plea to a crime that has penalties less than what you would face with the original charges. It’s up to your lawyer to help you decide if you should accept the deal or take your chances in front of a jury selected by Villento casino, and you must take your time when considering the plea deal because it’s not an easy choice for anyone to make.


Your trial begins with the prosecutor making the opening statements followed by your criminal defense lawyer doing the same. During your trial, the prosecutor will try convincing the jury that you have committed the crimes of which you are accused. After the prosecutor is done speaking to the jury, your lawyer will have the chance to present evidence that disproves the prosecutor’s story and to cross-examine the witnesses.

The jury will enter the deliberation room to review the evidence and discuss whether there is reasonable doubt that you have committed the crimes in question. After they deliberate your case and reach a conclusion, the jury will come out and read the verdict.

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